- Broadband Bytes for 2015-02-06 http://t.co/pDZuTFv3c2 ->
- Sen Hatch loves the Comcast merger, hates net neutrality. http://t.co/yNrBzeYjsr ->
- Should VoIP devices be required to come with a battery backup? http://t.co/vEqyNMlx7L ->
- Telcos will use any excuse they can to justify dumping old copper instead of building more fiber. http://t.co/Bk1hOKafHT ->
- Unsurprisingly, you still hate pay TV companies. http://t.co/Ar4CWGcBHd ->
- It seems more people are starting to pay attention to Google Fiber's redlining ways. http://t.co/e3DhI5mAZL ->
- Is it time for telecommuting legislators? http://t.co/c7jiGKjzzz ->
- Two years later, Google Fiber will offer businesses services in Provo. No word on 10-gig plans. http://t.co/DxNNujIgx8 ->
- The best part of CenturyLink's business-only fiber? Not a single mention of pricing. http://t.co/Tjaiy4D9eA ->
- Real streaming TV is here, but it's kind of klunky. http://t.co/N6GKyHozDI ->
- Mentioning competition in passing doesn't really give me the warm fuzzies, Wheeler. http://t.co/jaId2s2vNr ->
- FTTH make be making a comeback in Springville. http://t.co/7BTRe2NFOQ ->
- Muni networks alone don't solve net neutrality. Competition from open access does. http://t.co/hxCVLRryLP ->
- If you're a CenturyLink customer hoping for more bandwidth, you're basically screwed. http://t.co/kJujGMdGYX ->
- Gigabit isn't about the one high-bandwidth application. It's about simultaneous streams of data that add up. http://t.co/ZrovohHB5F ->
- Cable has no incentive to improve customer service. http://t.co/xulOwJK9KM ->
- You keep saying "government control", but I do not think it means what you think it means. http://t.co/vmg56WfrZD ->
- Net neutrality: not just for wired networks anymore. http://t.co/pVGHxRZ5pE ->
- The Comcast merger is most definitely on the rocks. http://t.co/OXQ2HVvtA1 ->
Broadband Bytes for 2015-02-13
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