Announcing the New Free UTOPIA! Forums

Taking a cue from a commenter's suggestion, I've setup a discussion forum for the site built on phpBB. It's still a work in progress, but you're welcome to start posting and registering accounts. Since I'm still working on it, it might go up and down periodically as I implement changes. To cut down on forum spam, I've already added support for Akismet and plan on adding httpBL support Real Soon Now™.

Why don't you go check it out? Leave any questions or suggestions there or in the comments.

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3 Responses to Announcing the New Free UTOPIA! Forums

  1. Andrew Faust says:

    You beat me to it. I had just bought and got a forum installed when I saw your post. You already have a reader base, so I will scrap mine so we can have a consolidated forum.

  2. Jesse says:

    D’oh! Sorry about that. Maybe you can return the domain since it’s been under 5 days.

  3. Andrew Faust says:

    Not worth it. It only cost a few bucks, I don’t mind owning it. Besides, it may be worth putting something (non forum related) up there in support of Utopia. The more public citizen support the better.

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