Sneak Peek: Broadweave's Company Blog

Google Alerts turned up an interesting result today: a link to Broadweave's company blog. Obviously, they're still testing it out, so don't expect to find a whole lot on there. (Quick WordPress hint: go to Settings -> Privacy and turn off search engine indexing if you're not ready for it to be public.) About the only thing it has right now are a couple of test posts and some information on billing changes.

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11 Responses to Sneak Peek: Broadweave's Company Blog

  1. FGF says:

    The link above serves up a page with the Broadweave template and only the following messgae:

    “Not Found
    Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.”

    I think you may have scared them off.

  2. Jesse says:

    Looks like the either deleted all of the posts or set them to private. I imagine they didn’t intend for anyone to see it.

  3. Be nice says:

    Give em a break! They are new to this Internet thing and were not aware that this gizmo called google collects and indexes anything you put up there.

  4. kg says:

    I hope they put it back up. I think it’s a good idea for them to have a blog.

  5. ..break says:

    Give them a break…..they are trying to fix a piece of garbage network.

  6. suspicious says:

    ..break: The network itself is not at fault – it’s the premise equipment (i.e. the voice adapter in the portals, set-top-boxes…) and the network services (phone switches, video head-end gear) that are to blame for the majority of the problems.

  7. Jarrod says:

    The blog was largely my fault. I’ve had some conversations with Broadweave arguing that such a blog would be a good idea, and wrote that post and put it on a blog to show how a company blog might be used and make an argument to management for official adoption of a blog.

    I’ve never used wordpress, though, and wasn’t aware it contacted Google by default. Thanks Jesse for that tip.

    I do think the blog is a good idea and I’m glad you guys agree. With so much happening in such a short amount of time and with so many sources of information, some reliable and some not, it’s a really good idea for Broadweave to have a fast, official voice for keeping people informed.

  8. kg says:

    I’d love to be informed!!

  9. Capt. Video says:

    I’d love to be informed too!

    There is a Broadweave customer driven web site for those that live in Traverse Ridge. Started by one of the residents.

  10. Harold says:

    Can you hear that giant sucking sound coming from Provo… yea it’s Broadweave. They have no financing, no capital operating money, and no brains. Thay are busy trying to break a perfectly good network just in time to go belly up…

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