- Broadband Bytes for 2014-07-25 http://t.co/KtWfbBsD42 ->
- After USDA screwed UTOPIA, I don't have high hopes for this. http://t.co/FLCUf6OL7v ->
- Comcast is focusing on roller coasters, but you're definitely being taken for a ride. http://t.co/vjRq73kMN8 ->
- A rose by any other name, Verizon. http://t.co/CiIGtx5rAL ->
- Go ahead and cut the cord, but your ISP will find a way to make up the difference. http://t.co/woUcSIhVUo ->
- Wait, so are Aereo-like companies cable or not? http://t.co/zoL6jDfBd0 ->
- If you want the FCC to overturn bans on muni broadband, now's your time to tell them. http://t.co/xLV51CyZF6 ->
- Your smart home is quite the Chatty Cathy. http://t.co/RoDtx1ZIHc ->
- Consumerist shreds a list of reasons to admire Comcast. http://t.co/i3feZ3Wwoe ->
- It's possible there may be a bit of collusion going on here. http://t.co/K27j7i9I5d ->
- "Hey, there's no congestion problem! Now stop looking at our data caps, wouldya?" http://t.co/cVU0A1gkYO ->
- Huh? Don't overturn muni broadband restrictions because it could hurt UTOPIA? That's a new one. http://t.co/pp5hkh0dIm ->
- Comcast employees explain why the company sucks so bad. http://t.co/shVNlUxhsw ->
- XMission put together a great new FAQ on UTOPIA. http://t.co/12yBVfkl1P ->
- AT&T completes a successful shakedown of Netflix. http://t.co/KJTI7Ic4tv ->
- Macquarie is ranked as a top 100 company in fiber-to-the-home by Broadband Properties. http://t.co/gkc6w0Gm5S ->
- Forget what the FCC says: symmetrical gigabit is the new gold standard. http://t.co/uOqTcPL2BU ->
- The least shocking thing about the GOA report on caps: competition is sorely needed. http://t.co/38pvgOH9SD ->
- CenturyLink wants to keep the laws they've already paid for. http://t.co/Nr67yDZi8s ->
- Hey Murray? Your UTOPIA/UIA opex payment is due. http://t.co/ylCvTWeruj ->
- Could Title II broadband actually happen? http://t.co/84E9zltAZU ->
- Big incumbents realized they don't have to spend money to make money. http://t.co/Q204VxI49t ->
- Company that can barely push 10Mbps says 1Gbps is "hype". http://t.co/0ow4bN8y1F ->
- CenturyLink may be smartly avoiding wireless, but they're clinging to low-speed DSL as long as they can. http://t.co/R0T6kGAPxm ->
- Don't wait for someone else to build fiber. Do it yourself. http://t.co/JVbqrBQ0rS ->
- First Intel, now Apple. Nobody can get content providers to open up and cut deals. http://t.co/mT3WLE1FAA ->
Broadband Bytes for 2014-08-01
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