- Accountable? Nah. 15 Years Into Agreement To Provide St. Paul's Elderly A Cable Discount, Comcast Reps Have Never… http://t.co/MOtx7YUBKq ->
- DTW FTW. Quicken Founder Dan Gilbert Follows Google Fiber's Lead, Brings $70 Gigabit Fiber To Detroit | Techdirt http://t.co/Cc3TvQmfMR ->
- Broadband Bytes for 2015-07-17 http://t.co/2xirKhzT8u ->
- Customer-owned ISPs are viable. Where big ISPs won’t invest, customer-owned ISPs are deploying fiber http://t.co/t4RQPVA6cw ->
- Comcast: an Internet company, not a TV one. (Warning: autoplay video.) 5 stunning stats about Comcast http://t.co/N4iT1AECQB ->
- Because the incumbent can't or won't. Five years after Verizon abandoned FiOS build, city still seeking fiber http://t.co/EHtp43ruyi ->
- At least Canada gets it. Canada orders large ISPs to make fiber available to competitors http://t.co/Ml4TUdzEC9 ->
Broadband Bytes for 2015-07-24
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