Report: White City Community Council Meeting, August 3 2007

Wednesday night was the monthly meeting of the White City Community Council, and it looks like I'm going to have to appear to a higher body for some help. First, the rep from UTOPIA didn't show and I never got an e-mail or call to indicate such. This, however, is the minor setback. The major setback is that the future of White City's township designation might be in jeopardy based on what I heard at this meeting, so the council rightly must focus on issues other than broadband policy. I'm going to try and setup a time to present to the Salt Lake County Council to see if they'll appeal to legislators to re-write the law and allow counties to directly participate in UTOPIA.

The other option is to start a private company to bring UTOPIA to this area. I don't have the experience, time or money to do something that ambitious (but if any of you are, please let me know) so that seems like a dead end. It seems like I'm back to square one. 

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