- Broadband Bytes for 2014-12-12 http://t.co/URGTlmNZoF ->
- Cable is dying and that's why cablecos are trying to wring money out of data. http://t.co/csc1uSCTLG ->
- Google wants a fiber lobbist in SLC. http://t.co/Tla3Eip8bD ->
- Comcast bumps speeds in SLC (press release). http://t.co/SqxsBMUuPk ->
- The question not asked: how much did Roku pay to bribe Comcast? http://t.co/6r7L1d7ijj ->
- CenturyLink is upset that its neglected rural DSL won't get subsidies anymore. http://t.co/AI4H6wJ3LW ->
- Hey, remember when incumbents said that treating them like utilities would harm investment? Good times. http://t.co/pxjEWKphvP ->
- The MPAA wants to REALLY break the Internet. http://t.co/0EH2oxzbYy ->
- Guys, it's not encryption when you include an NSA backdoor. http://t.co/F4KmYIF815 ->
- Telecoms know how to use the revolving door to score big government contracts. http://t.co/0vSVKNAOeE ->
- Over half of net neutrality comments were submitted by sock puppet opponents. http://t.co/Je1QfakQ6K ->
- UTOPIA's latest financial report is out. [PDF] http://t.co/UVNBQr1b2y ->
- For $2500 and $35/mo, you can get up to gigabit service in San Francisco. http://t.co/ZUtUrFV3V6 ->
- Remember Tucows? They want a slice of the gigabit FTTH game too. http://t.co/7mHylp0lgq ->
- US Department of Commerce: lots of competition for crappy broadband, little for the good stuff. http://t.co/loPNDJl8M4 ->
- Only 3% of the US has gigabit. And there's no competition at that speed. http://t.co/BGw2sds9il ->
- Verizon is adamant that they can shake down whoever they want. http://t.co/TOtLpiojmg ->
- Google isn't as good for gigabit as you think it is. http://t.co/iX0kW5qK0p ->
- Now you can pay even more for crappy first-gen DSL. http://t.co/FEATfTV2XJ ->
- Title II bill author not-so-patiently explains that it doesn't have any taxes in it. http://t.co/N1rGNUSDU9 ->
- I called it: Google is slowing down Fiber deployments substantially. http://t.co/uZvbKzVUGP ->
Broadband Bytes for 2014-12-19
Tagged Broadband Bytes. Bookmark the permalink.
“Comcast Increases Internet Speeds in Portland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Denver and Colorado Springs”
I wonder if they are planning the same bump in Orem? They have been bugging me to upgrade my modem from docsis 2 to 3 the last few months.
I still prefer 25Mbps cheaper rather than 50Mbps at the same cost.
They probably want to shutdown the docsis 2.0 channels, I suspect as part of upgrades working towards docsis 3.1 deployment.
My $81 per month service in layton was upgraded to the 105mbit, so appears other area’s have gotten that speed bump as well.
docsis 3.1 is really pushing the limits of what coax can do, its an upgrade that will take awhile to deploy, 4096 QAM will be running into noise problems on anything less then perfectly clean wire. But if they can get it deployed, they can put the final nail in DSL’s coffin.
Watch for more rate increases to follow, as century link continues to shrink from wireline service, leaving comcast with no competition.
Well, even with these speed increases I would gladly dump Comcast if/when Utopia finally builds out the network. The upload speeds are still what needs to be improved, in my opinion. The big move is for cloud based storage, but that is useless if you can’t upload anything fast enough.
Totally agree. I picked up a surplus server from work, loaded with 8 1 TB drives; even after RAIDing them, I still have 4TB of space. I then deployed owncloud, and since I’m on UTOPIA, my “cloud storage” is way faster than anything dropbox or google drive can offer. (and their client, unlike Google Drive, allows more than one active connection from a given computer). Both uploading and downloading from “my” cloud is better…
Now if I could just get the other surplus server running… 24x 2TB drives…. 😀
Or even 24x 5TB drives 😀
Well, if I could afford it, I’d probably throw 8TBs in there for good measure. But the 2TBs were free, which is about the extent of my budget for this 😀
You inspired me to build one, so I did. Not quite the storage space (just 500 GB), but it beats the dropbox 50 GB I’m getting! I put it in a raid 5 just in case, but it’s not my primary storage spot, it’s just for testing until I can get larger drives.